Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oklahoma's Fight Song: The Most Annoying Thing In College Football

There is a blog post that came out on Sept. 30, 2010 titled "The Top 10 Most Annoying College Football Fight Songs". The writer is dead on with some of his choices, but he made one glaring mistake. While I agree that "War Chant" (Florida State's favorite song) gets old quickly, there is no tune that comes close to the level of annoyance that "Boomer Sooner" accomplishes.

In response to the blog post previously mentioned, there was a post on about this. One member cleverly posted his amended top ten list with Boomer Sooner occupying all ten spots. I'd like to take this opportunity to post my amended top 10 list. You'll see some similarities.

10) "Tribute to Troy" (USC)
9) "War Chant" (Florida State)
8) "The Eyes of Texas" (Texas)
7) "The Eyes of Texas" (Texas)
6) "The Eyes of Texas" (Texas)
5) "Boomer Sooner" (Oklahoma)
4) "Boomer Sooner" (Oklahoma)
3) "Boomer Sooner" (Oklahoma)
2) "Boomer Sooner" (Oklahoma)
1) "Boomer Sooner" (Oklahoma)

Here's the thing about the the Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band: It's not that they play "Boomer Sooner" in its entirety repeatedly. It's that they play one part of the middle section (a stanza, if you will) by itself. It's only fifteen notes long. They play it over and over and over again, and then they play it again. Then, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, they play it over and over and over and over again, no matter what the hell happens in the game. Sometimes they play it twice, sometimes three times, and just to be dicks they'll sneak in those fifteen notes just one time through, inserting that goddamned melody in any available dead airspace. I can't stand it. It makes me want to shove the first long and sharp instrument I can find in my ears to make it stop.

Attention CIA: If you want to extract information from enemy combatants, here is your song. It's such an easy solution, you should have no trouble getting all the dirt on Al-Qaeda you would ever want. In fact, just torture them with the entire replay of the Oklahoma/OK State game that just aired. That song combined with the sloopy mumblings of Brent Musberger should make all captured enemies turn to butter in your hands. Just think! No more waterboarding! No more scandals or international incidents growing from accusations of breaking the terms of the Geneva Convention! Your answer is right here in America's greatest sport.

In all seriousness, I don't see how Bob Stoops hasn't gone literally batshit insane yet. Perhaps he had to let part of his brain die in order to keep coaching there. Perhaps they put something in the water and subliminally taint the nightly news in Norman to make you think that hearing the same fifteen note excerpt of "Boomer Sooner" makes you smarter and happier. I don't know, but if there ever was a conspiracy in college football involving mind control, it would have to be this.

p.s.: While writing this, I had those fifteen "Boomer Sooner" notes stuck in my head. I couldn't concentrate and had more misspelled words to correct than ever before when trying to write anything. I literally had to listen to USC's "Tribute to Troy" to get my mind back to normal and finish this post.

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